DAFTAR ISI Bagian I Surveilans Epidemiologi...3-7 Bagian II Konsep Dasar Surveilans Epidemiologi...15-24 Bagian III Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Surveilans Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular dan Pen…
1. General Physical Method...1 2. Analysis of Drugs in the Solid State...41 3. Chromatography...75 4. Measurement of E.M.F and pH...150 5. Conductimetric Titrations...172 6. Polafography and t…
CONTENS 1. Control Of The Quality Of Analytical Methods...1-21 2. Physical and Chemical Properties Of Drug Molecules...23-54 3. Titrimetric and Chemical Analysis Methods...57-83 4. Ultr…
Contents 1. basic Statistics: A Review...1-36 2. Principles Of Experimental Design...49-73 3. Factorial Design and Analysis...81-133 4. Fractional Factorials...151-177 5. Response Su…
CONTETNS Dissolution Chapter 1 Evolution Of Dissolution Testing...5 Chapter 2 Theory Of Dissolution...11-33 Chapter 3 Theoretical Concepts For The release Of A Drug From Dosage Forms...37-5…
Perspective: Past and Present 1. Food Safety Assessment: Introduction...2 2. History of Food Safety Assessment: From Ancient Egypt to Ancient Washington...8 3. What is Safe Food?...26 4. Risk-B…
Contents 1. Electronic Effects On Organic Reactions...1-22 2. Applications Of The Hammett Equation and Its Extended Forms...25-65 3. Steric Effects On Organic Reactions...69-92 4. The H…
DAFTAR ISI 1. Penyakit Infeksi 1.Sifat Penyakit Infeksi...5 2.Biologi Penyakit Infeksi...7-14 3.Pencegahan Infeksi...17-28 4.Obat Anti-infeksi...32-73 5.Infeksi Superfisal...…
Contents Part One: Fundamentals Of Chemistry For Engineers 1. Introduction...3 2. Basic Concepts From General Chemistry...8 3. Basic Concepts From Qualitative Chemistry...30 4. Basic Concept…
Daftar Isi Bagian 1: Sarana Praktikum 1. Mikroskop...2 2. Sajian Histologi...4 Bagian 2: Histologi Jaringan Dasar praktikum-1: Epitel...8 praktikum-2: Kelenjar...20 praktikum-3: Jaringan P…