Daftar Isi Pendahuluan...6 Pembuluh Darah...8 Jejaring Pasok...10 Struktur Jantung...12 Pompa Hidup...14 Siklus Denyut jantung...16 Jantung Bekerja...18 Apakah Darah itu?...20 Peran Dara…
Daftar Isi Pendahuluan...6 Otot-otot Tubuh 1...8 Otot-otot Tubuh 2...10 Tendo...12 Bagian Dalam Sebuah Otot...14 Cara Kerja Otot...16 Otot dan Energi...18 Saraf dan Otot...20 Tim Otot...…
Daftar Isi Pendahuluan...6 Sistem Reproduksi Perempuan...8 Siklus Menstruasi...10 Sistem Reproduksi Laki-laki...12 Pembuatan Sperma...14 Pembuahan...16 Konsepsi dan Implantasi...18 Bagaim…
Daftar Isi Pendahuluan...6 Sistem Saraf...8 Saraf dan Sel-sel Saraf...10 Sinyal-sinyal Saraf...12 sum-sum belakang...14 Refleks...16 Otak dan Tubuh...18 Bagian-agian Otak...20 Serebrum..…
Contents Introduction...6 Body Muscles 1...8 Body Muscles 2...10 Tendons...12 Inside a Muscle...14 How Muscles Work...16 Muscles & Energy...18 Nerves & Muscles...20 Muscle Teams...22 Ty…
Contents Introduction...6 The Female Reproductive System...8 The Menstrual Cycle...10 The Male Reproductive System...12 Making Sperm...14 Fertilization...16 Conception & Implantation...18 …
Contents Introduction...6 The Nervous System...8 Nerves & Nerve Cells...10 Nerve Signals...12 The Spinal Cord...14 Reflexes...16 The Brain & The Body...18 Parts Of The Brain...20 The Cer…
1.The skeleton is a living framework that shapes and supports...4 2.The skeleton can be divided into two main parts...6 3.The structure of bones makes them strong and light...8 4.The skull prote…
1.The heart a living pump tahat never gets tired...4 2.The heart makes blood move around the body...6 3.Blood travels trough a system of blood vessels...8 4.Three types of blood vessel perform d…
1.Living things oxygen to stay alive...4 2.Body cells use oxygen to relase energy...6 3.The respiratory system takes oxygen ino the body...8 4.Breathed-in air is warmed and cleaned...10 5.The n…