Poisoning & Drug Overdose : By the Faculty and Staff of the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Poisonal Control Center
Poisoning & Drug Overdose provides advice for the managenent of poisoning & drug overdose and essential information about industrial chemicals and occupational illness.
this manual outlines a comprehensive approach to management, Including essential advice on how to diagnose and treat poisoning and how to recognize and treat common complications.
This manual is divided into 4 section and index, each one identified by black tabs in right margins.Section 1 guides the user through initial emergency steps to physical diagnosis, laboratory tests, and methods of decontamination. Section II provides information on diag nosis and treatment of approximately 150 common drugs and poisons. Icons at the begining of each topic provide a quick reference on the availability of antidots and the advisibility of various decontamination methods. Section III describes the used and side effects of about 60 common antidotes and therapeutic drug. Section IV describes the urgent medical evaluation and management of occupational illness and the medical management of Industrial accidents. This section Includes a table of common industrial chemicals. The Index is comprehensive and extensively cross-referenced
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