Food Safety Assessment
Perspective: Past and Present
1. Food Safety Assessment: Introduction...2
2. History of Food Safety Assessment: From Ancient Egypt to Ancient Washington...8
3. What is Safe Food?...26
4. Risk-Benefit Perception...36
5. Toxicological Evaluation of Genetically Engineered Plant Pesticides: Potential Data Requirements of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency...41
6. Evaluating Pesticide Residues and Food Safety...48
Laboratory Testing of Ingredients
7. Liver Cell Short-Term Tests for Food-Borne Carcinogens...60
8. Bacterial Test System for Mutagenis Testing...73
9. Current Trends in Animal Safety Testing...88
10. Acute and Chronic Toxicity Testing in Assessment...99
11. usefulness of Clinical Studies in Estabishing Safety...105
12. Good Laboratory Practice Regulations : the Need...114
13. Importance of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System in Food Safety Evaluation and Planning...120
14. Threshod of Regulation: Option for Handling Minimal Risk Situations...132
15. Food Ingredient Safety Evaluation: Guidelines from the U.S Food and Drug Administration...140
16. A Flavor Priority Ranking System: Acceptance and Internationalization...149
17. Expert System and Neural Networks in Food Processing...166
18. Predicting Chamical Mutagenicity by Using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships...181
19. HazardExpert: An Expert System for predicting Chemical Toxicity...191
20. Using the Menu Census Survey to Estimate Dietary Intake: Postmarket Surveillance of Asparttame...201
21. Dietary Exposure Assessment in the Analysis of Risk from Pesticides in Foods...214
22. Current Concerns in Food Safety...232
23. High-Technology Approaches to Microbial Safety in Foods with Extended Shelf Life...243
24. Predictive Microbiology: Mathematical Modeling of Microbial Growth in Foods...250
25. Mycotoxins in Foods and Their Safety Ramifications...261
Impact of Diet
26. Diet-Health Relationship...278
27. Diet and Carcinogenesis...297
28. Food Allergies...316
Evaluation of Specific Foods
29. Chemical Safety of Irradiated Foods...332
30. Safety Issues with Antioxidants in Foods...346
31. Safety and Regulatory Status of Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Color Additives...377
32. Safety Evaluation of Olestra: A Nonabsorbable Fat Replacement Derived from Fat...391
33. Nitrate, Nitrite and N-Nitroso Compounds: Food Safety and Biotechnological Implications...400
34. Ethyl Carbamate in Alcoholic Beverages and Fermated Food...419
35. Composition and Safety Evaluation of Potato Berries, Potato and Tomato Seds, Potatoes and Potato Alkaloids
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